
Computer Science



IEEE Conference on Evolving and
Adaptive Intelligent Systems

May 17-18, 2012
Madrid (Spain)

video resolution: Low resolution | Medium resolution | High resolution
Thanking the Technical Program Committee of the
IEEE Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems 2012 (IEEE EAIS 12, Madrid, Spain)
All rights reserved to the University Carlos III of Madrid
Todos los derechos reservados a la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

see Best Paper Award of the Conference

see Portal de Videos de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

download Conference slide presentation (pdf)

download Paper at IEEE Xplore
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/EAIS.2012.6232801

see Conference Program - Session 2 - Adaptive Systems

» Press room


Interactive Video Presentation:
Semantic Web (SW)
and Interaction Design (HCI)
for Cooperative Environment (Semantic Grid)

Semantic technologies
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